Project Overview

This project has it’s roots in the Sales and Marketing use cases at D&B. We wanted to deliver a feature where users could easily bring in their current customer records, analyze them, find their best customers and discover more like them. These features sounded awfully close to a simple BI platform, so we ended up taking that direction to begin with.

ProcessĀ and Methods

This Project was one our 5-Day sprint cycles where we go from Idea to Validation in 5 days. So naturally, we had to follow our UX process…only faster. Much faster. We stared with a Design Workshop on Monday and scoped out the requirements. Day 2 was spent in finalizing the User Flows and the screens we would need to test. Day 3 and 4 were spent in producing wireframes, High Fidelity designs and a clickable prototype. Day 5 we tested.

Lessons Learned

This was a very successful project as a team of 3 designers worked like a well oiled machine to deliver close to 15 screens in five days that got user tested. Since this was ‘Is this Feature Needed in the Market’ kind of a project, we were happy to find that our users appreciated the concept and had some great feedback we would use when we decided to build this capability.