Project Overview

Enterprise Risk Manager or ERAM as it is known, is one of the main Credit Management aplication in Dun & Bradstreet’s portfolio. The Project involved rationalizing the Site Layout, correcting any critical UX issues and overhauling the interface to meet the Visual Branding Guidelines that the company has just released. This involved constant collaboration between me and our Art Director.

ProcessĀ and Methods

The initial stages included deeep dives in to the product to fully understand how it flows from one functionality to another and understand user needs from customers. Then I made a corrected Site Architecture that was more intuitive. I designed wire frames in weekly sprints and ended up taking 20 key screens to final visual design and created specifications for the same

Lessons Learned

The front end technology that was used to build this application was to remain the same. It was challenge to design modern looking screens with legacy technology, but constant communication with the devs and stakeholders, helped us to device great work arounds to deliver the same effect. I would like to go back and validate some of our hypothesis with Customers now that it is launched.


Stakeholder Meetings
UI Screens
Awesome Launched Product